A Royal Audience

Ready to meet Her Majesty The Queen at the International Business Festival...

Beatie Wolfe dressed in Mr Fish to greet The Queen (Elizabeth II)

UPDATE (2017NOV): after giving a keynote at Quora Beatie Wolfe was asked to describe the experience on their site, Read in Quora, which we've transcribed... 

I met Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in June 2016 as I was elected to represent the best of British Innovation and Creativity at the International Festival of Business (IFB) in Liverpool. I was chosen on the basis of creating new formats for music and my Musical Jacket (from my album Montagu Square) was chosen to be part of the exhibition.

Ahead of Her Majesty’s arrival we were briefed on how to greet her, which included the following procedure:

  1. wait until she approaches you
  2. a small curtsy (if you’re female) or neck bow (if you’re male)
  3. greet her first with “Your Majesty” and then “ma’am” (rhymes with jam!) for any follow up conversation

I remember standing on the raised stage next to my Musical Jacket exhibit. I was there with 3/4 other invitees, which included the Mars Rover and its chief engineer. Our area was roped off - with press, officials and selected members of the public looking on. Just before Her Majesty arrived, the whole floor suddenly fell silent and you could sense that she was coming. I became quite nervous. When I saw her approach, I was immediately impressed with her incredible presence and command of the room. She first greeted the sailor and broadcaster, Hannah White, and then she came to me. I greeted her as per the above and then she looked at my Musical Jacket and said “wonderful.” It was a brief exchange (as she is a busy lady!) but a tremendous honour and a day I’ll never forget.